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Citoyen. Spécialiste en évaluation sociale de systèmes d'information sur les personnes. Chercheur invité chez Communautique. Chercheur associé au CEFRIO. Écrivez-moi

TV documentary and radio interview on biometric identification

The Christianne Charette radio-show of Radio Canada's Première Chaine asked me to preview a documentaire télé intitulé Le temps des bio-maîtres (Richard Copans/Les Films d’Ici) to be aired ont the RDI news network.

Not much to say about the documentary as such. It provides an overview of various biometric identification methods as explained and discussed by the developpers or promoters, without actual discussion about the quite large array of possible applications, nor of the numerous social and political implications. At times, it looks like an infomercial of sort.

As some point, the scenaro is almost dishonest. As the documentary presents applications worthing, at a minimum, tens of thousands of dollars up to tens of millions, one scene is the demonstration of how an hacker can fool a biometric device worthing... a few tens of dollars at your neighbourhood electronic store ! This discredit the director, not the Chaos Computer Club) people associated to the scheme.

The conclusion calling for citizens' « vigilance » leaves the viewers without a clue on how to exercise it since the documentary provides no indication on how to discriminate between available proposals, biometric or not.

But the 20 minutes radio interview was an opportunity to present some basic notions about biometrics (even if it is clearly too short for a real introduction)


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