P E R S O N S [ in - for - ma - tion ]

Collection of texts about person information processes

about their roles in the lives of individuals, groups, organisations and societies

and about other related subjects

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Citoyen. Spécialiste en évaluation sociale de systèmes d'information sur les personnes. Chercheur invité chez Communautique. Chercheur associé au CEFRIO. Écrivez-moi

Respect for pre-computer rituals

Péladeau, Pierrot, "Respect pour les rituels pré-informatiques" [Respect for pre-computer rituals]. Direction Informatique, October 2002, p. 19.

In general, a new system of transactions involving individuals is inserted into a context of existing practices. Although technical invention may pave the way for social innovation (and vice versa), it can never create a completely new social space. Established practices often interact with proposed new practices. Ignorance of the practices and rituals in use thus produces a significant risk of failure in a new computerized system. The risks are exemplified by case studies in computerized handling of money and telephone communications. because they are solidly rooted in familiar terrain, pre-existing practices may escape notice. Designers and managers would benefit from implementing procedures to identify existing social practices in order to refine their projects' various interactions with these practices.

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