P E R S O N S [ in - for - ma - tion ]

Collection of texts about person information processes

about their roles in the lives of individuals, groups, organisations and societies

and about other related subjects

Watch, Studies, Writing, Teaching

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Citoyen. Spécialiste en évaluation sociale de systèmes d'information sur les personnes. Chercheur invité chez Communautique. Chercheur associé au CEFRIO. Écrivez-moi

Masters of Form

Péladeau, Pierrot, "Les maîtres du formulaire" [Masters of Form]. Direction informatique, August 2002, p. 13.


Forms play a crucial role in the automatic processes they sustain, the collection of information. They occur at the determining moment when the client's reality is translated into the categories used by the organization. When put on line, a paper form that served effectively in the past can generate amazing numbers of errors because client attendants have been taken out of the loop. They used to play two key roles: to provide an adequate translation of the client's reality into the organization's categories and, conversely, to ensure in advance that organization's actions and decisions conform to the client's reality. These roles and their importance can be illustrated by what a school secretary does in the process of admitting and registering a student. Without attendants, an on-line form must be understood by every client and must provide all the information and instructions needed to use it properly. The organization must always be ready to give prompt help to clients in difficulty.

Entire texte (in French)


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