P E R S O N S [ in - for - ma - tion ]

Collection of texts about person information processes

about their roles in the lives of individuals, groups, organisations and societies

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Citoyen. Spécialiste en évaluation sociale de systèmes d'information sur les personnes. Chercheur invité chez Communautique. Chercheur associé au CEFRIO. Écrivez-moi

Metaphor and reality

Péladeau, Pierrot, "Métaphores et réalités" [Metaphor and reality]. Direction informatique, September 2002, p. 11.


Computer talk is full of metaphors, which are essential in describing unfamiliar applications in familiar language. But this evocative power has a flip side: while a metaphor may clarify one dimension of reality, at the same time it may hide several other dimensions that are essential but incompatible with the logic of the image chosen. The danger is that we may discuss and evaluate the metaphor that helps us understand a computer application rather than discussing and evaluating the application itself. The controversy that accompanied the introduction of telephone caller identification applications (Caller ID) shows how far the perception of a device may be from its material reality. Social evaluation and discussion of a device and its effects must thus be based on a rigorous analysis that looks beyond linguistic effects such as metaphor.

Entire text (in French only)


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